Saturday, May 29, 2010

Happy late Mother's Day

 Happy mother's day.. yes.. very late.. :)

Mother's day was fun. We were back in singapore getting ready to leave to come back to USA.

It was decided that the guys would take care of the kids while my sis and I go shopping.

Our first stop with everyone was at a brunch place. Yummie panini sandwiches.

Dylan fell asleep on me while having brunch. so cute....
AFter brunch, we headed for shopping. did not buy much, but it was nice to get away from the kids and spend time with my sis.

Continued the afternoon with a pedicure paid by my mom.hehehe.

We ended our afternoon with a english tea menu. There were scones, sandwiches and cake. SO enjoyable.

The guys survived well without us. The kids don't whine when the mummies are not in..hahah.

Oh, post mother's day. we had this delicious cake. too bad we only had room in our tummies for a slice..:)

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