Saturday, December 25, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
Just playing videos...
Here are some videos of the kids playing:
Here is me pushing them on the red motorcycle.
Pulling toys:
Pushing toys are Lily's house.
and finally, the boys playing outside. Dylan follows everything that Ryan does. Very important for Ryan to show a good example.... It's hard when run wants to jump off the bed and Dylan tries it too.... and super hard when he sees Ryan walking down the stairs, cos he wants to WALK down too, and ends up rolling!
Posted by
Lynda Ng
9:01 PM
Sunday, December 12, 2010
chitter chatter
Ryan has been learning to imitate stuff we say...
Some of Ryan's cute chatter:]
"Daddy, please don't drive so fast". (it does not matter if Gordon is driving fast or slow, he makes this statement anyways)
Gordon Kwan, are you surfing the web? (he totally learned this one from me...)
Gordon Kwan,are you watching TV!? (another one from me...)
Here is another cute one..
So, when he goes to school, he cries. So, I told him that if he cries, I will go to school and he will go to work for me. I told him if I go to school, my boss willl say "where are you, lynda ng? why are you so late". he remembers... so he repeats it to me.. check out the video..
Posted by
Lynda Ng
8:24 PM
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Ryan @ 2 years 10.5 months
Yes, time is flying and Ryan is almost three years old.
Overall, he is a pretty good kid. He continues to learn how to share with his little brother.. somehow he prefers to take things from Dylan and sometimes he remembers to exchanges things for the things he wants. We have been reading to go ahead and let the kids fight things out themselves, as long as they are not getting hurt. Let's see if that will work.
He has his whiny moments and he has his mornings when he wakes up and wants ye-ye. Yes, can you imagine waking up to a kid saying "I want ye-ye, I want ye-ye". The only thing I can say is that the bridge and the Bart is not open yet. so we can't go see ye-ye....
He still loves his milk.. i think he drinks about 24 ounces a day of 2% low fat milk. I dont think we are going to be successful in removing his bottle from him now since he loves to drink from the bottle. He also knows to ask for chocolate, and knows where to find the chocolate (in the cupboard).
He is at the point where he wants to try things, and when I say it won't work, he would say "let me try". I usually let him try, to let him see that what i said was right. He also wants to do things himself. he says "let me do it, or I will do it"..he is a picture of him washing his hands by himself.
He can even go to the bathroom by himself, but does not know how to wipe his own butt yet.
His new thing lately is, he can tell me that his bday is on January 13. I have to video it one of these days..:)
Ryan's sleeping habits : He sleeps from 9.30 to 6.30am. Nap is around 2pm for 1.5 hours. We still have to go with him to sleep and he usually rolls in bed for 10 minutes and goes to sleeep. He also knows to tell us when he is tired.
I guess i need to think about his third bday... what shall i do?
Posted by
Lynda Ng
5:42 PM
Videos of the boys
Video of the boys playing at the train table.
Posted by
Lynda Ng
5:27 PM
Happy Birthday Gordon!
At least the two cakes gave Gordon a chance to blow the candles on one of the cake.. and Ryan blew the other.
Happy Bday sweetie..:)
Posted by
Lynda Ng
5:27 PM
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Dylan @ 13.5 months
Hi world! It is me, Dylan Kwan!!
Above is a video of me trying to sleep.Mummy is tickling me and I am laughing while I sleep.
I love to go out (just like Ryan). I would find my shoes and give it to mummy so she will put them on for me. Then I will bang on the front door so they would open the door. If mummy says bye bye to me, I would go to the door and hope she brings me out as well.
I can say da-da, ma-ma, and ball. I can recognize certain things and pictures including balloon, door, daddy, mummy, ryan ko-ko, shoes. I can also pick up my diaper and put it in the trash can. I sure know how to help my parents.
Check out of a video of me being fascinated..:D
Will update more when I have time!
Posted by
Lynda Ng
8:30 PM
Friday, November 12, 2010
Happy Halloween 2010
Booo! Happy Halloween. This year, Halloween was more elaborated, since the kids know how to trick or treat.
We took the kids to my office to trick and treat.. Both had a great time.
Pic above are the kids at the Castro Valley village. All the shops were giving out candy. So many people and after a while, some shops said "out of candy... awwww".
Halloween day, we hung out to watch the Giants game. Then, we went around the neighborhood to get candy. There were few young kids... so when the adults saw our kids, they were pretty happy and gave the kids more candy.
Posted by
Lynda Ng
9:48 PM
Saturday, November 06, 2010
Childrens Discovery Musuem - San Jose
The boys playing with the kitchen stuff at the musuem. They were making pizza.
Here is Ryan playing with soft white sand. He enjoyed scooping the sand into small containers.
Posted by
Lynda Ng
9:34 PM
Ryan and pre-school
Posted by
Lynda Ng
9:31 PM
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Dylan videos..:D
Dylan and his walking.
It's time to cut the food!
Kitchen time!
Posted by
Lynda Ng
9:29 PM
Posted by
Lynda Ng
8:33 PM
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Dylan playing
Dylan playing with the girls at Nancy's house.
Dylan sitting on the cars at Super Franks.
Dylan playing with a blanket. Reminded me of Linus in Charlie Brown.
Video of Dylan walking the dog.
Dylan's favorite book now is "I see a Monster". He can actually bring the book to me when I say "I see a Monster". So cute!
Posted by
Lynda Ng
9:35 PM
Our weekends
My mom was asking what we do on the weekends. Here are some videos with weekend fun.
PLaying in the room. Yah, it's fun to just stay home and play.
Good exercise for Gordon..:D
Posted by
Lynda Ng
9:29 PM
train table fun
Posted by
Lynda Ng
9:28 PM
Friday, October 01, 2010
Dylan @ 1 year old
His walking has definitely given him much more freedom to move around. When Ryan is home, he will follow Ryan everywhere and everything that Ryan is holding, he wants to get hold of it. I find it cute... but Ryan says "I don't want di-di to follow me". haha.
He can say some words..including
bye bye
da da
ye ye
and his favourite word : nai-nai
He also knows how to find the ball, point to apple and airplane and knows how to give me a kiss. He can clap his hands and open and close his hands to wave.
Here are his stats from his one year doctor visit.
Weight : 22 pounds (38 percentile) - we think the nurse weighed his wrongly but oh well
Height : 2' 6.5" (74 percentile)
Head circumference : 18.5" (69 percentile)
And he is his schedule:
6.30am - Wake up
7.00am - Poo poo in the potty
8.00am - Breakfast
9.30am - Milk 6 Oz and sleeping time for 1.5 hours.
12.00pm - lunch
2.30pm - Milk 6 Oz and sleeping time for 1 hours.
4.30pm - Snack
6.30pm - Bath time
7.00pm - Dinner
8.40pm - Milk 8 Oz and sleep
5.30am - Milk 6 Oz
His passion for eating is not as strong as Ryan..:P
Yes, sometimes, he still wakes up in the middle of the night and wants milk! zzz. Good thing Gordon sleeps with him and makes sure he gets fed. Oh, and he is also a light sleeper and moves around all night; which means, I would wake up each time he moves (light sleeper too).
Here is a pic of the boys playing behind the futon at grandma's house. Such simple entertainment... One of his favorite games is hiding under the blanket. The cuteness of his squeals when he goes under the blanket is way too cute. Oh, he also has 7 teeth.
And of course, since he started to walk, he only wants to walk. No more crawling.. His walking has improved so much in just a few weeks! We ended up having to put the gate at the stairs as he wanted to walk down the stairs instead of turning around.
Here is a video of our other birthday celebration with Dylan on the day of his birthday.
Ahh, we had breakfast with the kids in SF @ Tartine Bakery.
Dylan and daddy playing in the tent.
Posted by
Lynda Ng
9:39 PM
urnnn... why????
Yes, the WHY stage continues.... not sure whether Ryan is asking WHY just because, or whether he is asking cos he is actually interested...:P
Some of our conversations....
Ryan: Is it getting dark already?
Me: yes, it is getting dark..
Ryan: Why is it getting dark?
Me: cos the sun has gone down and the moon is out.
Ryan: Why has the sun gone down?
Me: Cos it is at night, and the sun has gone behind the mountains.
Ryan: Why is the sun behind the mountains.
Me: *change the subject* Ryan, let's read a book....
other conversations...
Ryan has also learned to converse with my in-laws in Cantonese only.It's kinda cool that he has learned so many cantonese words from them and will know how to revert to Cantonese when talking to them. He also talks to Gordon and me in Cantonese. Yes, his can ask WHY in Cantonese as well..("tim-kai?"). Since my Cantonese is not that good, I had to revert to English when he starts his WHY questions..:)
Oh, I love that he knows when he is tired, and just says to us, "time to sleep". It's good since he would tell vs throw a tantrum..
Posted by
Lynda Ng
7:55 PM
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Zoo with the boys
It was hard to get a pic with the boys sitting together..:)
Busy looking at the birds..
and, the video speaks it all.
Posted by
Lynda Ng
6:39 PM