Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I am 15 months old

Wow! 15 months has passed and I am happy..:)

1. My favourite hobby is to stand by the window in my room and watch the cars, birds and airplanes go by. I also love to see the garbage truck on Thursday mornings.

2. I do not have a favorite toy, but I like to hold something in my hand all the time. Usually, it will be a spoon, or a round shape toy; sometimes, if I get hold of a stone, I would hang on tight to me, and would yell and cry, cry,cry if mummy tries to take it away from me. I am starting to play with cars and trucks.

3. I love going out. I would bring my shoes to daddy when he is home with me and try to get him to put on my shoes for me so I can go out. I also know how to lift up my feet to put on my socks.

4. I have 10 teeth now (4 on top, 6 at the bottom). My upper fangs and lower molar is coming out now, so I drool all day long. I actually use 4-6 bibs a day if I am home all day.*yucks*

5. I can only say a few words that my parents can understand - mummy, daddy, mama, up, mum-mum. When mummy mentions the kids at my babysitter's home (Darren and Ethan and yee yee),I would respond with 'nah nah" (Check out video).

6. I also love going over to my babysitter's house. She feeds me lots and I get to play play and play with Darren and Ethan.
7. With the weather warming up, I get to go outside to the garden more. I love to play by the stones in the garden. My parents has also been taking me to many parks in the area. I can go down the slide by myself. Nothing scares me.
8.Mummy signed me up for Saturday classes. I love it. Check me out.

9. As you can see from the videos above, I am walking everywhere. I even started walking real fast (kinda running), and can walk backwards too. Great tricks! Crawling is not excitng anymore but when I am tired, I rather crawl.

Here is my current schedule/eating times:

6am - Wake and 7oz milk
7.30am - Breakfast
10.30am - 7-8oz milk
11.30am - Sleep for 1-1.5 hours
1.00pm - Lunch
3.30pm -  7-8oz milk
5.30pm - fruit/cookie
6.30pm - bath time
7.00pm - dinner
8.00pm - 7-8oz milk and sleep

Sometimes, I am super tired by 7pm, so I don't want to eat dinner. If I go to my babysitter's house, I usually skip dinner, since I am so full from a full day of eating..;)

Mummy says I am going to be  a big brother. I have no idea what that means, but it sounds good..:) Can't wait to find out if I will have a baby sister or a baby brother..:)

Till next time!


Truly Us said...

hehe, u did another photo shoot? ryan is super fast walker! who is yee yee? :p

Lynda Ng said...

Yes, we did our last photoshot from the package...:) Yee-yee is the babysitter... i tried to teach him "ah-yee", but as you can see from the video.. no response from Ryan..:P.

Truly Us said...

grr..get him over for the winter :)