Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Ryan's 1 year old numbers are in!

Ryan visited the doctor on Feb 4, 2009.

Weight : 23 pounds 14 ounce (62 percentile)
Height : 31.9 inches (92 percentile)
Head circumference : 19.02 inches (91 percentile)

His weight definitely dropped. hehe, Gordon kept saying we were feeding him too much, so I am glad the numbers showed that we are not..:) We dont mind giving him more milk when he yells for it. We just need to keep him away from sugar, ice cream, those stuff! At least he is still tall and has a big head... hehehhe

Doctor gave Ryan another clean bill of health. He did get a few more jabs, and he totally yelled. Good thing he calmed down quickly.
Ryan is cruising a lot more now. He likes to stand up more and tries to take some random steps. I say it is a matter of days before he starts walking on his own!

Below are some pics of Ryan with his bday presents....:)
He totally loved the boxes and the wrapping paper!

oh, he is also opening more cupboards and drawers. Such a fascination for him... such a pain for mummy especially when his fingers get caught in the drawer!

Oh, Ryan brushes his teeth every night..:D

This is what his schedule looks like nowadays:

6.20am - wake up
7.45am - breakfast
10.30am - whole milk (7oz)
10.30-11.30am - sleep
12.30pm - lunch
3.15pm - whole milk (7oz)
5.00pm - fruit
6.30pm - bath time
7.00pm - dinner
8.00pm - brush teeth, whole milk (7oz) and sleep
12.00am - wake up and wahh wahh. usually falls back asleep after seeing mummy or daddy. occassioanally, wants milk and will wahh wahh until milk arrives!
5.00am - whole milk (6-7oz)

yah, those occassional midnight feeds can be interesting. When we told our doctor about it, he said maybe we can try using the cup to feed him his milk if he really wants it at mignight.. and we were like "why" and he said "it will cut down the time he is drinking milk".... urm... we had to tell our doctor that ryan drinks his milk SO fast with the bottle........ and our doctor seemed surprised....mmmmmmm

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