Thanksgiving weekend
Thanksgiving was a blast this year!
Gordon's family and cousins came over on Thanksgiving day and I decided that we needed to have a turkey since we never ever make turkey.... So, I went over to Trader Joe's and got a 13 pounds turkey, cranberry sauce, gravy, celery and a box of stuffing...
The turkey turned out really well. It was moist and perfect.
It was fun to have family over and just hang out and eat. I also made lasagna and my MIL made sticky rice. For dinner, we had our usual prime rib...:D
The next day, we had an impromptu lunch at Koi Garden with Lily, Sook Yee, Lufun and families..:D there were like 14 people and we had to squeeze into a table... all was fun with the eating and catching up. After that, we hung out at Lu fun's place and headed to the park....
Ryan was all ready to crawl at the park, so, we let him crawl! He was everywhere so Gordon put him in the middle of the field so he can crawl and tire himself out! hah. check out the video.... yah, and don't let my MIL or FIL see this, cos they will flip to see him with all the dirt.. *grin*
Here is a video that lily took of Ryan sliding down the slide....:D
On Saturday, Jeannie, Mei and Oliver came over to have hot pot at our place. Gordon made the broth and they brought all the ingredients. There was yummy fresh lobster and prawns, loads of veges, beef and fish balls, tofu, pigs blood and loads of other food. We had a blast.
After dinner, we had our playings cards/gambling session...:D We played chinese poker.... too much fun... and for the first time in a very very long time, Gordon and I stayed up till 3am playing cards! (yes, we lost a lot of sleep due to this... heheheh)
oh, Oliver and Mei are engaged! Oliver proposed to Mei during their trip to Paris last week. So very exciting.
It was a super great weekend. The four days were fun with Ryan. He was such a good boy and his vocabulary is getting bigger and bigger each day.
He loves to read now. When I say, let's read a book, he would come over and sit next to me so I can read to him. I love it! I know it means I have to spent time reading to him, but I am just glad he can sit still and check out the books with me..:D
At 10.5 months, he can comprehend the following:
kiss mummy, read book, brush teeth, upstairs, downstairs, bathing time, eating time, banana, papaya, strawberry, apple, lemon, grapes, orange, carrot, car, let's go outside, socks, give mummy, etc etc....
oh, when I hum a song from one of his toys, he knows which toy it is and goes towards the toy..:D
CHeck out this video of Ryan playing with the pen...
fun fun fun
Above are pictures of Ryan having his lunch today. I gave him some pasta and put him in the front of the house so he can see the cars pass by while he ate.... after that, he had some grapes..
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