Ryan at 19 plus months
Ryan is now 19 months old.
Here are some interesting stuff about him..:)
1. He is 100% potty trained at home! Hooray! He will now wear pants (no underwear) and will tell us when he needs to go. We still wear pull-ups on him when we go out... He knows when he has the pull-ups on and will pee in his pull-ups... hah!
4. His favorite foods include; sweet potatoes, egg, yogurt, cheese, raisins, cookies!
5. He never cries when I go to work. He will happily say bye bye to me. Not sure what goes on in his head when he sees me leave.. I think it is because Gordon is home and he likes to be with daddy.
6. Everything is "daddy" now. When we say "who is going to clean-up", he says "daddy". When we say "who made mess?", he says "daddy". It's all "daddy'. Too funny!
7. When we pick him up from the babysitter and ask him questions, his answer is "all gone". So, we ask, "did you eat rice today?", he says "all gone". We ask "did you eat banana today?", he says "all gone". It's "all gone" for everything!
8. Ryan is SO into youtube.com! We have to resist turning on the laptop as he will want to watch something on youtube when the laptop is on. He likes the nursery rhymes; clap you hands, baa baa black sheep, potty potty, old mcdonald..... he will point out which video he wants to watch and if we play something and he doesn't like it, he goes "no no no" and points to another one. We have a computer addict at 19 months old!!!
9. Everytime we enter the freeway, he will make a whiney sound! Somehow, he doesn't like freeways. Kinda weird... and when we get off the freeway, he says "all gone". funnneeee! He also gets all excited when he sees a bulldozer, excavator, tractor when we are driving.
10. ANTS! Initially, when Ryan saw an ant, he would yell "daddy, ant!". Daddy would come over and kill the ant with his fingers. So, Ryan got the concept and now, when he sees an ant, he goes ahead and kills the ant with his fingers too... and he does this all without saying anything to anyone.... Amazing....