Monday, October 26, 2009

Trip to California Academy of Sciences

We headed over to the Cal Academy of Sciences last Wednesday. They have a free entrance to all every third Wednesday of the month. (We LOVE free stuff!!)

Pic above : Ryan super happy to be out!

We got there around 2pm and it took about 3 minutes to get in. Not too many people, since it was later in the day. We left Dylan with Gordon and my MIL. My mum and FIL joined us for this outing.

Our first and most interesting stop, was the Aquarium. It is similar to Monterey Bay aquarium, but in a smaller scale. They have sea creatures that kids can touch as well.

Ryan seemed to like the aquarium, He got scared of the big fish, and when he was done looking, he said "all done", which meant we could move on to something else..:) See the big fish below?

After looking at some other random stuff, we headed to the kids play area. It was a nice area with pots and pans and other stuff for the kids to play. My mom ventured off on her own to see the planetarium show.

At the play area, Ryan was rough with the other kids. Whenever a kid come near him to play with the toys, he pushed them away......... oh oh. I think he picked this up from the babysitter..... The video below shows how he pushed the kid away... I was busy video-ing, and could not stop him in time...:P

It was a fun trip. If we can, we will probably hit the free day again...:)


dai said...

Ryan is such a good older brother to Dylan. I wish Alexis is more like Ryan to Liam...

Truly Us said...

wahhh..he really pussshhhheedd :D