Sunday, October 25, 2009

Missing camera...

I can't seem to find my camera. Have loads of pictures in there.... just need to find it..:P

Lately, Ryan has been BUSY with his playdoh set. I hide the box when we are done playing with it, and somehow, he finds it and makes us open the box and play with it.

I am really not a playdoh fan. but... so far, it has kept him busy so I guess I could force myself to play with it. I refuse to let him play with more than ONE color at a time..;)

Dylan has been busy sleeping and pee-ing on my bed when I change his diaper. This boy has super great timing when he pees. I have been pee-ed on SO many times, that I cannot even keep count. grrrrr.

Let's hope I find my camera soon... I have so many pictures to take and so many to download....

1 comment:

iamyvonne said...

time to get a changing table...or change him on the floor! =))

Hope u find your camera soon.