Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Ryan, Ethan, Daran and Dylan had their first sleepover in August 2011.

Gordon was going to Reno with his frens so I invited Sodany and the kids over for the sleepover.
We started around 5pm, allowing the kids to play and burn energy. They played ball outside.

Sodany made dinner - alfredo pasta with carrots and brocolli. 

They also played with rocks.

When it was sleeping time, the boys were excited to go to sleep on the same bed..:) Don't they look cute all ready for bed? They slept well. Dylan woke up the middle of the night, came out of the room and pointed to the room to tell me Ethan and Daran were there. He came over to my bed to sleep after that.

 In the morning, Sodany read them a book.

Below is a video of lunch with Ethan and Ryan. Daran left early since he had swim lessons.

Playing by the stairs. They definitely had fun!

Good buddies!
It was a very successful playdate. Everyone was very polite and there was no fighting. I don't think there was any crying too. Can't wait to have more sleepovers!

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