Dylan and trains
Ryan had a sleep over at Daran's house.
We asked Dylan what he wanted to do since he did not get to go. He said he wanted to go to Toys r us to buy something. I asked him what he would buy and he said he has not decided :)
He started by picking out 4 tonka cars. I told him to put them in the stroller while he checked out other toys.
He saw the train table and played there for a while. Then he saw the Belle train and wanted to buy. We told him to look some more at other things since we have soooo many trains already!!
He looked at some batman stuff n went back to the trains. He picked Emily.
Yes..he loves girl trains. He said Emily is strong cos she is pulling another train (tender)
We tried again to show him other stuff and he said " let's go pay. I don't want anything else. I want to open Emily"
Way too cute :-)