Ryan @ 3 years 5 months
Whenever we go somewhere or eat something that he likes, he would say "can we come here again next week", and my respond would always be, "yes, we can. Just tell mummy when you want to come here again".
Ryan remembers too many things. There was a time when he did not like grape jam.. so when Gordon put the grape jam in the bread, Ryan would not eat it. Today, Gordon put grape jam again and Ryan says " I like grape jam now. Before I did not like grape jam, now I like it again".
Ryan recognizes all his upper and lower case letters. We believe he is ready to read, but need to either get some books like have repetitive words, or get some books called "sight words" so he can recognize the common words. We also decided to put him on three days full time pre-school. Supposedly he is doing well in school and teaching the other kids how to do puzzles. The teacher also mentioned that he may get upgraded to the next class soon, as he is doing well **yah, proud mom beams**
He is also learning about words that cannot be said. If we say a word that is not good, he would say, "that's not a nice word, say "sorry".
His food: he really has a good appetite these days and would eat about anything. He seems to be always asking for food, and like me, he makes sure he is full and had additional food sitting around, in case he gets hungry ( he would pack bread to go out so that he can eat in the car when he gets hungry).....
Fav food: pastas, noodles, breads, eggs, broccoli, mushrooms, oatmeal, all fruits
When Ryan sleeps in the day and at night, he would say " Let me go find something to hold to sleep". Yes, he still loves to hold something; could be books, a train, and any random toy.
And of course, right on target with the statistics of kids this age, Ryan is learning to make up stories and tell small "lies". The one funny one was like this:
Ryan : Mummy, I have to go pee-pee and poo-pooo
Me : Ok. Just let me know when done so I can clean u (we let him go on his own and he would call us when done to be cleaned).
Ryan : goes to bathroom.
* moments later, he comes back smiling and says he is all done and has his pants back on.
Me : look for horror and ask him, did you clean yourself?
Ryan : yes, all done.
Me : No, mummy has to clean you. Please take off the pants for me to clean u.
Ryan : allows me to clean him and says "it is clean, right"?
Me : Yes
Ryan : yes, because, I did not poo, I just peed and I changed my mind
Me : uh huh... and laughs
Yes, sure sounds funny... hope I can keep up with his sense of humor...
Dylan @ 1 year, 8 months and 3 weeks
Dylan's current words he can say that we can understand:
Ball, Thomas, Bird, Car, Banana, Apple, Baby, hot, duck, water, pou-pou (carry),yes, no.
When we read books, he is able to point to many words when we ask him to show us. Like show us the brocolli, and he would point to it.
Nowadays, when we ask him questions, he would say "yaahhhh" and "no", and he really seems like he understands all our questions!!
He knows that we will pay attention to him if Ryan bullies him and we don't see it. He tells us by running over, and showing his sad face and a whiny sound.. we would ask him, and he would try to tell us. It's really cute!
If we tell him that Ryan is sad cos he took Ryan's toy, he would hold it for another 20 seconds and give it to Ryan. He just needs to know he can hold it without anyone snatching it.
We are trying to pee-pee potty train him, but he doesn't seem to get it yet. He would tell us he pee-pee in his diaper after he pees. He tells us by holding his diaper at the bottom... I think we will wait till the weather is warmer before we try again.
Oh, Dylan's feet seems to be huge! Right now, he seems to be a 8.5, and I think Ryan was only like a 7 at the same age. He also has wide fat feet... which makes buying shoes difficult.
Oh, on eating, this kid just does not care for food. He really prefers his milk to keep him full. We are hoping it's a phase...but we will see. He would not even touch fruits (good thing he likes his gummy vitamins). He still likes eggs and pasta.
And, he likes he hold the tennis balls or his soft toy lion when he goes to sleep. He also makes sure I hold a tennis ball and a soft toy duck. As he is falling asleep, he would sit up, make sure I still have my tennis ball and duck and if he sees me holding it, he is happy.The thing with his holding a ball, is that when he is falling asleep, the ball would slip away from his hands, and he would wake up to look for it. Yes, we rather his not sleep with any tennis balls at night!