Sunday, June 05, 2011

My world, June 2011

It was a very nice weekend. It rained a lot, but we did not make any plans with anyone... so it was mostly just us, hanging out with the two boys.

We made it out to two restaurants, trying new foods and watching the boys enjoy sitting at the table and trying new stuff. We made it to Target, Toys R Us, Trader Joes.....

In the afternoons, we came home and napped with the boys, played with them, read them books...... then, I decided to write a poem in my head... so here goes...

It's June, the middle of the year,
I have a loving husband,
I have two little boys that keep me busy,
I have a job that keeps me on my toes,
A house that keeps the rain away,

Each day, I wonder about what life would be,
just what life would or could be,
I admire families out there,
I admire families with plenty of kids,
And I wonder about what life would be.

Too much thinking,
too much analysis,
too much planning,
there is never a right time,
life is really too short to be doing all this thinking,
Yes, should we or should we not.....

1 comment:

iamyvonne said...